DeepChill® 的与众不同之处
质量更高,产量更好,甚至操作更有效—可以为您抓住业务的每一个优势,有助于提高您的盈利能力。DeepChill 技术是一种高度先进的保存处理工艺,可以帮您改善虾生产,以及充分利用自身业务。
产品冷却较之传统冷却快 3 倍。虾在 24-28ºC 时,可在 5 分钟内均匀冷却至 -1ºC。虾保持均匀的温度从而保证整个批次质量一致。
不管采用液式亦或干式,DeepChill® 都会将虾悬浮其中,并保护其压力之下免于挤压或按压受损。该技术还保留了虾的外观、颜色和硬度,并减少细菌生长,从而保证对虾的最高质量。
DeepChill® 帮助您简化和加快收获和处理操作,大大减少不必要的作业和切割环节,如预冷、化学处理,或冰块设施移动。
DeepChill 技术的有效冷却可以为您减少收获或加工环节 30% 或更多的冰消耗。该技术无需持续补充融冰或碎冰,从而节省了时间和金钱。
DeepChill® 非常适合您的作业,并允许您在冷链的每个阶段都保持虾的最佳状态:从收获后的冷却阶段至加工前后冷却阶段,直至冷冻阶段。
1. Harvest
Live shrimp is uniformly chilled to <0°C in 5 minutes to quickly stop deterioration while also reducing labour and handling.
2. Transport
Shrimp is suspended in DeepChill® or embedded in DeepChill® crystals. This prevents damage and maintains uniform cooling through whole batch, ensuring shrimp arrives in the best condition.
3. Reception
Shrimp is temporarily stored in DeepChill® until processing — this extends the processing window and enables better handling of peaks without loss of quality.
4. Sort
Shrimp is sorted and returned to DeepChill® maintained at -1°C to -1.5°C. Additives, if needed, can be added directly to these bins for a more efficient process.
5. Raw Process Line
DeepChill® is automatically pumped where needed, simplifying process and reducing laborious tasks. Shrimp on the process line is completely submerged in DeepChill® maintaining sub-zero temperatures.
6. Freezer
Improved freezing capacity and efficiency since shrimp is now prechilled to 0°C before entering freezer, resulting in higher quality shrimp and less shrinkage
5. Cook and Chill
Cooked shrimp is instantly cooled in DeepChill® to prevent overcooking, bacteria growth and weight loss.
Deep Chill 技术 vs 片冰技术
一项冷却速率的对比研究表明,虾 (Pandalus Borealis) 在传统的片状冰和水中进行冷却,即使冷却 18 小时也不能达到 0℃。相比之下,在 DeepChill® 中冷却的虾 5 分钟以内就可总体冷却到 -2ºC。
DeepChill 技术处理的虾
与纽芬兰纪念大学渔业和海洋研究学院合作 Sunwell 研究了与其他冷却和保存方法相比,DeepChilling 对虾的冷藏效果。本报告审查了一些结果 研究并提出了对虾业的影响。