Deepchill’s End-to-end Industrial Cooling System
无论您需要大容量存储还是紧凑的体积,DeepChill® 提供一系列灵活性系统,选择性极强,旨在帮助您最大限度地提高生产力和效率。

具备被动存储功能的 DeepChill® 系统。

具备主动存储/分配器功能的 DeepChill® 系统,非常适合小型装置。

一种直流紧凑型型系统,可嵌入式生产并交付 DeepChill®。
DeepChill® 系统可进行预先配置,以便于安装或者作为可根据特殊要求安装于空间的模块。
DeepChill® 系统的优点
- 模块化系统实现了全冗余灵活布局和未来扩展
- 通过管线对其准确计量且易于分配到任何使用点
- 准确和可调的冰浓度提供恒定、稳定的流量
- 通过再结晶,可调整晶体大小和 DeepChill® 组成,以适应各种应用
- 为保证系统的可靠运行,系统具备在线预警监控、故障排除和系统更新功能,并从而降低了维护成本
DeepChill® 系统 vs 传统冷却系统

- 冷却速率非常高,经独立试验证明比常规冷却方法高出3倍
- 不留下空气和热囊,确保均匀冷却
- 可以为大批量产品提供即时冷却吗?
- 温度可调,并为任何产品提供最佳冷却效果
Product Protection
- 由于冰与鱼的接触点有限,从而导致冷却速率低,冷却时间长
- 难以达到均匀覆盖和均匀冷却
- 会引起冷灼伤
- 冷却速率较低
- 产品通过冷却水连续循环冷却,需要数小时才能冷却产品
- 对大批量产品的冷却效率低
- DeepChill® 悬浮和封装产品,保护产品免受割伤、擦伤,或任何其他损害
- 锁住水分,因此产品不会变干
- 边缘锋利的冰块会伤害鱼体,从而造成擦伤、变形和细菌滋生。
- 随着时间的推移,产品皮层的自然水分会蒸发,导致产品变干
- RSW 的持续和强烈循环可能会对海产品造成损害
- DeepChill® 可根据不同的应用采取不同的形态(液态、膏态、干态)
- 防止脱水和空气污染
- 防止运输过程中损坏
- 能够在零度以下储存产品—以延长保质期
- 并不防止脱水
- 由于覆盖面不广,需要更多的冰
- 通常将产品保持在 2ºC 左右,会缩短潜在的保质期
- 开放式污染
- 不能作为产品存储介质,因为产品会吸收水分
- RSW必须连续运行以保持恒温
- 类似蓄热装置的 DeepChill® 存储罐设计可将热损失降到最低(低至 1.5%)
- DeepChill 存储单元能效高、布局紧凑和空间利用率高
- 存储的 DeepChill® 保持自由流动,且无桥接时间
- Completely closed system prevents contamination
- 由于冰的融化,每天高达 10% 的冰会流失
- 需要额外的能量来冷却冰储罐
- 需要在设施或船舶上划出宝贵的存储空间。
- 通常需要复杂的耙系统,因为冰块之间很容易连为一体
- 污染的可能性
- RSW 系统不能将冷却能量储存在水中
- DeepChill 易于泵送并应用于任何地方,从而简化了操作流程,减少了人力
- 对数量、盐度和冰分数自动化和精准控制,进而可提供产品质量的一致性
- DeepChill可以是食物产品的最佳缓冲存储解决方案—不但增加加工窗口而且未对质量造成影响
- 冰的运输和分配涉及劳动密集型的工作
- 由于冰的人工分布和混合,可能导致质量的不一致性
- 缓慢的冷却过程可能会造成操作上的瓶颈
- 需要昂贵的输送或鼓风机系统—从而难以安排多个输送地点
- 为自动化系统,易于操作
- 可长距离泵送,但需要较大的管道尺寸
- 只能用于较短时间的海产品储存—不能长期保持质量
- 非常节能的制冰机和存储单元
- 低到中等级别的低能源效率
- 典型的节能
Cooling Efficiency
- Very high cooling rate, 3 times higher than conventional cooling methods as attested by independent tests
- Doesn’t leave air and heat pockets, ensuring uniform cooling
- Can provide immediate cooling for large quantities of product
- Adjustable temperature, to provide optimal cooling for any product
Product Protection
- DeepChill® suspends and encapsulates product and protects it from cuts, bruising, or any other damages
- Locks in moisture, therefore product does not dry out
Product Storage in the Cooling Medium
- DeepChill® can take different forms (liquid, paste, dry) depending on application
- Prevents damage during transportation
- Ability to store product at sub-zero temperature – to prolong shelf life
- Protects from dehydration and airborne contaminants
Efficiency of Cooling Medium’s Storage
- Thermos-like DeepChill® storage tanks are designed for minimal heat losses (as low as 1.5%)
- Stored DeepChill® remains free-flowing without bridging over time
- DeepChill storage units are highly energy efficient, compact and space efficient
Operational Efficiency
- DeepChill is easily pumped and applied anywhere, streamlining operations and reducing manual labour
- Provides product quality consistency due to automation and precise control over quantity, salinity and ice fraction
- DeepChill can be the best buffer storage solution for food products — it increases the processing window without compromising quality
Energy Efficiency
- Very energy-efficient generators and storage units
Cooling Efficiency
- DeepChill® suspends and encapsulates product and protects it from cuts, bruising, or any other damages
- Locks in moisture, therefore product does not dry out
Product Protection
- Sharp edged ice pieces can damage fish, causing bruises, deformation and bacteria growth
- Product’s natural skin moisture evaporates over time, resulting in product dryness
Product Storage in the Cooling Medium
- Doesn’t prevent dehydration
- Requires more quantity of ice due to poor coverage
- Normally maintains product at about 2ºC, shortening potential shelf life
- Open to contamination
Efficiency of Cooling Medium’s Storage
- Requires additional energy to cool the ice storage tank
- Requires valuable storage space in the facility or on a vessel
- Usually requires complicated rake system as ice easily bridges to blocks
- Up to 10% of ice can be lost daily due to meltage
- Possibility of contamination
Operational Efficiency
- Ice transportation and distribution involves labour intensive work
- Can lead to quality inconsistencies due to manual nature of ice distribution and mixing
- Slower cooling process could cause bottle necks in the operation
- Requires Expansive conveyer or blower system — difficult to arrange multiple delivery locations
Energy Efficiency
- Low to medium energy efficiency
Cooling Efficiency
- Low cooling rate
- Product is cooled by continuous circulation of chilled water, which requires hours to cool the product
- Inefficient for cooling large quantities of product
Product Protection
- Continuous and intense circulation of RSW may cause damage to seafood products
Product Storage in the Cooling Medium
- Cannot be used as a product storage medium since product absorbs water
- RSW must be continuously run to maintain the temperature
Efficiency of Cooling Medium’s Storage
- RSW systems cannot store the cooling energy in water
Operational Efficiency
- Systems are automated and easy to operate
- Pumpable over large distance, but require large piping size
- Can only be used for storage of seafood for very short periods of time – cannot maintain quality over extended time
Energy Efficiency
- Typically energy-efficient