5 Reasons Why Full Coverage Matters
Conventional seafood icing method using flake, plate or tube ice typically includes shoveling ice on top, bottom and between layers of product. This icing process is not only time consuming and laborious, but it does not efficiently and uniformly cool the products! In this article we compare the surface coverage by Deepchill® and conventional ice, and explain the impact of Deepchill®’s full coverage.
Mastering the Cold Chain: Unleashing the Power of Variable Deepchill® Forms
In the realm of maintaining the pristine quality and freshness of seafood, temperature control within the cold chain reigns supreme. One of the key strategies in optimizing the cold chain is utilizing cooling solutions that are both flexible and effective at every stage of the chain.
The Formula in Making Snow in Summer – The Deepchill® Way
Most artificial snows cannot work at any temperature higher than -3°C.
Deepchill® is making it possible to create snow even at above ambient temperatures like +10°C to create brand new ski areas that could’ve never existed before.
Clean Your Pipes With Deepchill®
Pipe cleaning doesn’t need to be time-consuming and wasteful. Deepchill® Ice Pigging is a faster, cleaner and smarter solution for cleaning pipes between products. It uses a fraction of the water, recovers more product and delivers cost savings at every step of the process.
5 Seamless Steps to Cook, Chill, and Freeze – The Deepchill® Way
Don’t let your profits evaporate! Let Deepchill bring your chilling technology to the 21st century and save you some money in the process!
Deepchilling allows you to get more premium quality cooked lobster and crab when you follow the Deepchill® process. With its unparalleled cooling power and automated process, Deepchill® improves your plant efficiency and bottom line. Read on to see what this means for your operation.
Deepchill® Onboard Systems for Pelagic Fish
Pelagic fish inhabit sunlit water down to a depth of about 655 feet. They are typically found along the continental shelves and include many types of fish such as sardines, tuna, mackerel, herring, saury, bonito and mahi mahi. These fish can deteriorate quickly upon harvest, and crews must work fast to chill and keep them cold.
Keeping these delicate fish fresh poses a constant challenge onboard purse seiners and trawlers. But fishermen can count on Deepchill® for their onboard chilling needs.
Land-based Salmon Farms and the Advantages of Using Deepchill®
A Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) presents an excellent opportunity to improve land-based fish farming. Deepchill® slurry ice partnered with RAS technology can keep your fish fresh during processing, storage, and transport all the way to market.
Let’s take a look at why RAS has gained so much traction in recent years and how Deepchill® can further enhance the freshness of your products.
Real vs. Fake Slurry Ice! Learn the Difference
There are two main types of slurry ice technologies on the market. We believe buyers need to be aware of pros and cons of each type of system in order to make an informed decision. So, in this article we are going to review different types of slurry ice making technology and explain the differences in the context of an actual project.
Flake Ice Versus Slurry Ice for Shrimp Preservation, Processing and Transportation
As shrimp fisheries, harvesters, processors, or distributors, you are always looking for solutions that optimize your product quality and operations. Whether it is harvesting, storing, processing, packaging, or transporting, you try to find more efficient ways to maximize product quality and improve the reach and profitability of your business. Like all other seafood, shrimp preservation requires the right type of superchilling technology throughout your operational lifecycle. Conventional flake ice and chiller systems may be the most used method for chilling seafood.
Deepchill® Slurry Ice Systems Versus Flake Ice Systems
As a business that is into seafood processing, produce packing, industrial baking, poultry or meat processing, you are heavily dependent on industrial or commercial ice making systems for product preservation. It goes without saying – selecting the right ice technology can help:
- Increase the yield, quality and shelf life of your product
- Reduce your operational costs and increase business efficiencies
- Expand your distribution reach, enable entry into new markets and boost your bottom line
Deepchill® : Guaranteed Produce Freshness & Reduced Post-Harvest Losses
From growing and harvesting to post-harvest processing and retailing, food loss and waste creation happens at every stage of the crop. While the world wastes about 1.4 billion tons of food each year, the U.S. alone accounts for 40 million tons of that wastage, which is approximately 30% to 40% of the total food supply in the U.S. In Canada too, food waste costs are high and continue to rise steadily. Although a portion of these losses happens on farms, the post-harvest and processing stages of food also make up a significant portion of the total food wastage in North America.
The Deepchill® Ingrediator System – How it Works, Why Do You Need it?
Every baker will agree that temperature control of the dough is an important aspect of ensuring top-quality bakes. Whether it is artisan bread, sweet rolls & croissants, bagels or frozen dough products, achieving the right Final Dough Temperature (FDT) means cooling the dough to that precise optimal point for promoting good fermentation and dough development.
When dough temperature is not properly controlled, the dough will be stickier and the final product may end up with lighter crust color, thicker crust, lack of oven jump, more open cell structure and rough crumb structure.
Superchilling Salmon with Deepchill®
Water Holding Capacity (WHC) – the ability of raw meat to retain moisture is a critical quality parameter in the harvesting and processing of salmon. In fact, a high WHC is one of the primary goals in the food processing business because of its impact on the product’s yield and sensory attributes (weight and texture). Numerous studies indicate that achieving fast and uniform cooling is instrumental in maintaining the WHC, and Deepchill® technology does just that. As an adaptive cooling and preservation process for superchilling (also known as supercooling) fish, Deepchill® offers numerous advantages over conventional methods, such as Refrigerated Sea Water (RSW) systems.

19 Reasons to Deepchill®!
Whether it is catching fish onboard fishing vessels, shipping produce to another continent or processing poultry, these operations need a cooling and preservation method that is adaptable to the current operations and keep the products at the best quality shape, form, and taste.
We recommend Deepchill® and here are the top 19 reasons why your operations need it.
Top Challenges in the Seafood Industry and How Deepchill Solutions Help Businesses Address Them
From climate change and overfishing to ocean acidification and deterioration of marine ecosystems, several challenges threaten the very supply of global seafood. While many of these threats result from naturally occurring phenomena, the COVID-19 pandemic has also created disruption at every step of the aquaculture food system chain. However, every challenge eventually highlights one key aspect – the preservation measures in the seafood farming and processing industries.
Deepchilling Shrimp
In collaboration with The Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, Deepchill Solutions Inc. has conducted research to study the effects of Deepchilling on seafood in comparison with other cooling and preservation methods. This report reviews results from a few research studies and presents the implications for the shrimp industry.
Deepchill® vs. RSW
Refrigerated Seawater (RSW) is a common method of chilling fish onboard fishing vessels. For pelagic fish that is caught in large quantities in a short period of time, RSW provides better turbulence and more uniform cooling compared to flake ice. The question is however, is there a better way? Deepchill® provides similar operational advantages to RSW such as ease of pumping and distribution; simply put, Deepchill® flows like water! The distinction however, comes from the cooling power.
Deepchilling Cod
In collaboration with The Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, Deepchill® Solutions Inc. has conducted research to study the cooling effects of Deepchilling on cod in comparison with conventional cooling methods. This report reviews results from a few research studies and presents the implications for the cod industry.
Ice Slurry: Applications
The role of secondary refrigerants is expected to grow as the focus on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions increases. The effectiveness of secondary refrigerants can be improved when phase changing media are introduced in place of single-phase media. Operating at temperatures below the freezing point of water, ice slurry facilitates several efficiency improvements such as reductions in pumping energy consumption as well as lowering the required temperature difference in heat exchangers due to the beneficial thermo-physical properties of ice slurry.

Ice Slurry: Advanced Fish Chilling and Preservation Technology
The rapid increase of the world population in the past few decades has put added pressure on the fishing and aquaculture industries to improve the production, quality, and shelf life of fish. One focus is to implement advanced means of fish preservation for all after-catch operations.